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Challenge of Arbitral Awards in Norway – Where do we stand now?


Our partner Kaare Andreas Shetelig has together with Atle Skaldebø-Rød published an article about challenge of arbitral awards.

The Norwegian law journal, Lov og Rett, has published its first issue for 2024 in which Kaare Andreas Shetelig together with Atle Skaldebø-Rød, have published an article about challenge of arbitral awards. 

Based on research, they have for the period 2014 to 2022 found numbers for arbitral awards annually rendered in Norway, numbers for challenge (both actions to declare invalidity of an award and challenge during recognition and enforcement of an award) in the Norwegian court system as well as wholly or partly successful challenges. 

Despite the attention is given, very few arbitral awards are set aside in Norway. The article includes a comparative study related to similar numbers in Sweden, Denmark and England. 

The research resembles some elements of the same research done for the period 2008 to 2013 which was published in Lov og Rett 10/2014.

Read more here: Overprøving av voldgiftsdommer i Norge – hvor står vi nå? | Lov og Rett (idunn.no) (in Norwegian)

"Lov Og Rett"
"Lov Og Rett"
Profile image of Kaare Andreas Shetelig
Kaare Andreas Shetelig
E-mail kas@wr.no

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