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Wikborg Rein only Norwegian law firm in the GAR 100 survey

Global Arbitration Review has unveiled its annual ranking of the world’s leading international arbitration practices.


Enforcing an award ­contrary to sanctions, an issue of ’public policy’?

The past few years have illustrated with a vast intensity the relevance of international sanctions for an ever expanding number of businesses and sectors. This backdrop has also led to a significant increase in sanctions related disputes, which in turn has led to discussions regarding enforcement of arbitral awards that contravene applicable sanctions.


Suppose you went to ­arbitration and the ­opponent did not come?

In arbitration, you have to prove your case even if the opponent does not show up. The no-show creates some pitfalls to avoid.


The year of sanctions – some lessons learnt

The massive and unprecedented sanctions imposed against Russia have required significant efforts to manage the risks and impact of sanctions, particularly in view of creative attempts to circumvent by some parties. In this article we explain why you should update your sanctions clause, and how to ensure that it is fit for purpose.


Russian countermeasures on intellectual property rights

Russia has announced and implemented several countermeasures against so-called "unfriendly states". Some of these countermeasures involve intellectual property rights (IPR), meaning that entities of so-called "unfriendly states" now face countermeasures limiting the protection of their IPR in Russia. Entities of such states that do not anticipate continuing to do business in Russia can expect to see their intellectual property utilised in Russia without compensation.


Update on Russian countermeasures against so-called "unfriendly states"

In the last week, Russia has announced and implemented several countermeasures against so-called "unfriendly states", i.e. states that recently have imposed sanctions against Russia in response to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.