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More about Elise

Elise is one of Norway's leading lawyers in sustainability-, climate- and environmental law. Elise's field of expertise is international and national climate- and environmental law and the law of the sea, including the legal development within the EU. Elise advises clients in all the areas mentioned, both in relation to compliance and implementation, and companies' strategy work and the identification of risks and opportunities. Elise has a background as a professor of law at the Arctic University of Norway and has extensive experience as a teacher and researcher. She regularly writes articles in international and national journals and books and is a recognised speaker. Among her publications are: "The legal interactions between the climate change and law of the sea regimes", ( Routledge, 2022) "Climate Change and the Arctic: adapting to threats and opportunities in Arctic marine waters (Research Handbook on Climate Change, Oceans and Coasts, Edward Elgar, 2021), "The Law of the Sea and Climate Change – Solutions or Constraints?" (Cambridge University Press, 2020),