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Articles on wr.no


Norwegian Chapter in the Chambers Life Sciences & Pharma IP Litigation 2025

Lars Erik Steinkjer, Nora Bratheim and Guro S. Kyrkjebø Nybø have contributed to the Norwegian chapter in the Chambers and Partners Life Sciences & Pharma IP Litigation 2025 Global Practice Guide.


Towards safe, ­reliable and human-centred AI

The EU’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act marks a global first, introducing rules for the use and provision of AI systems. At the heart is a commitment to fostering trust in AI to unlock and maximise the vast social and ­economic possibilities offered by these technologies.


Update following the 9 December 2023 agreement on the AI Act

On Friday 8 December, after 36 hours of trialogue negotiations, the European institutions finally reached agreement on the AI Act. A joint press conference was held on 9 December where the two lead MEPs, the Secretary of State for digitalisation and artificial intelligence, and the EU Commissioner in charge presented the key elements of the agreement.


4 – Artificial Intelligence Act: Safe, reliable and human-centred artificial intelligence

The proposal for regulating artificial intelligence by the European Commission marks a global first, introducing a comprehensive legal structure in this domain. This Act targets both AI system providers and users, emphasising significant penalties for non-compliance — potentially up to 40 million Euros or 7% of the total annual turnover. This underscores the importance of adherence to these regulations. At the heart of the Act is a commitment to fostering trust in artificial intelligence, a cornerstone deemed essential for unlocking and maximising the vast social and economic possibilities offered by AI technologies


SPC manufacturing waiver has entered into force in Norway

Update on the implementation of the SPC manufacturing waiver for pharmaceutical manufacturers into Norwegian law.


2 – Digital Services Act: A safer digital space

The European Union's new Digital Services Act aims to create a safer digital space for citizens and businesses. The regulation seeks to provide for greater democratic control and supervision of digital platforms, and to reduce the risk of manipulation, disinformation and illegal content.