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Articles on wr.no


WR Energy Update: New requirements for allocation of grid capacity

The Norwegian Ministry of Energy recently introduced new regulations requiring mature projects to be prioritised in the grid capacity queue.


WR Energy Update: Strategic impact assessment for offshore wind

The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has completed a strategic impact assessment of three of the 20 offshore areas identified as potential sites for offshore wind development in Norway. NVE recommends to increase capacity in the Vestavind F area, to open a new project area in Sørvest F, and to defer any developments in Vestavind B for the time being.


TGH Holdings AS divests its energy market analysis and advisory services business

SKM Market Predictor AS (now TGH Holdings AS) has entered into an agreement to divest its energy markets analysis business to Montel AS.


WR Energy Update – Is Norway equipped for nuclear power?

In the first edition of our newsletter, we will take a closer look at Norway's legal framework for nuclear power, and assess whether the regulations are suitable for the establishment of nuclear power in Norway.


Paving the way after the Energy Commission's report

The Energy Commission has asked for extraordinary measures to reach our climate targets and to ensure that ample access to renewable power still will constitute a competitive advantage for Norwegian industry. How Norway will achieve massive development of renewable energy in order to realise both emissions cut and new green industry, was the topic when we invited to a seminar at the National Museum.


Launch of offshore wind tenders for Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord

On the 29 March 2023, the Norwegian Government announced the opening of Norway's first offshore wind tenders in the areas Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord.