Download our Crisis Management app
Wikborg Rein’s Crisis Management Tool is now ready for download. The tool provides practical, immediate and step-by[1]step guidance in case of various types of crises arising as a result of unannounced inspections and controls by the police or other public authorities.
"In a crisis situation, such as unannounced visits from authorities, many things need to happen at once. That's a common feature of such situations. It's important to know what to do and in what order. The purpose of the app is to provide a simple, practical, and easily accessible starting point for clients and others who may not have their own routines in place for handling a crisis situation," says partner Tine E. Vigmostad.
You can download the app here.
Read more about the Crisis Management app in Advokatbladet (in Norwegian): Wikborg Rein ser særlig tre utviklingstrekk som preger compliance-arbeidet (