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ESG, Compliance and Risk Management

Our team specialises in ESG, compliance, and risk management, offering unique expertise in preventing, detecting and handling any breaches of legislation or other compliance and integrity breaches and issues, both in Norway and internationally.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) management has become crucial to long-term financial gain, including to reduce risk exposure while still attracting the most desirable talent, business partners and investors. We assist our clients in achieving their ESG objectives by helping companies manage risks and opportunities related to sustainability and ethical practices.

Our work in the areas of ESG and compliance involves risk management and compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical norms, including anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, sanctions/export controls, human rights and environmental/climate law. As regulatory requirements continue to evolve and become increasingly wide-ranging, we help our clients stay ahead by advising on requirements and best practice in compliance and risk management.

We offer

  • Risk assessments, gap-analysis and strategic advice
  • Developing and implementing compliance programmes, including risk-based policies and procedures, setting up compliance functions and reporting lines, whistle-blowing and follow-up on reported concerns, internal control, monitoring, and training in various regulatory areas, particularly:
    • Anti-corruption  
    • Anti-money laundering  
    • International sanctions and trade controls 
    • Responsible business practices and human rights  
    • Sustainability, climate and environment  
  • Assessing existing compliance programmes in light of best practice
  • Designing systems for third party management, including procedures and systems for Integrity due diligence (IDD)) and compliance advice, including in relation to mergers and acquisitions
  • Conducting screening and IDD of third parties
Profile image of Geir Sviggum
Managing Partner
E-mail gsv@wr.no

ESG Alerts

Our ESG Alerts provide you with updates on material developments relating to environment, social and governance topics, primarily (although not exclusively) focusing on such developments in the EU and Norway.

Read our ESG Alerts here

Tier 1
Legal 500 – Regulatory, Compliance and Investigations
Band 1
Chambers and Partners – Corporate, Compliance and Investigations

Read our articles on ESG, Compliance and Risk Management


WR ESG Alert: Final approval of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Net-Zero Industry Act

In this month's ESG alert we note that the EU has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Net-Zero Industry Act and that the EU's Critical Raw Materials Act has entered into force. In Norway, the Ministry of Children and Families has commenced an evaluation of the Transparency Act one year after the first reporting deadline while various government authorities have issued public consultations relating to different areas of climate legislation.


WR ESG Alert: Another landmark ruling on climate change and human rights, and rules to protect against forced labour and abusive court proceedings

In this month's ESG alert, we highlight the recent landmark climate judgment from the European Court of Human Rights, as well as legislative developments in the EU, including new rules on free allocation of emission allowances, protection of persons who engage in public participation, a revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive, and the approval by the European Parliament of the Forced Labour Regulation.


WR ESG Alert: Shell appeals landmark climate ruling while EU members agree on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

In this month's ESG alert, we describe Shell's appeal against a landmark climate ruling, the approval by EU members of a revised version of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive as well as recent EU climate initiatives and proposals to align Norwegian climate regulations with EU standards

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