From evening assistant to Associate
From evening assistant and receptionist to trainee and from trainee to writing his master's. Christian A. Cederkvist has been a part of Wikborg Rein from the very beginning of his law studies and in January 2021 he will start as Associate with us.
Reading time 3 minutes
Christian is 25 years old and comes from Nøtterøy outside of Tønsberg. When asked what inspired him to study law, he refers that the education will open doors to exiting opportunities. He also liked the idea that the studies would give him a designation.
Insight into to the company culture
– Six months into law school I started working as an assistant in the evenings. I didn't know very much about the law firms in Oslo or the legal business in general, but I had noticed Wikborg Rein on several events, among other things as sponsor for the sponsor week and other events. I also remember particularly well a lecture Ola Ø. Nisja held in the first semester on control responsibility. He is now one of two excellent partners on the team I am joining, I am looking very much forward to that!
Working as assistant and receptionist with Wikborg Rein has given Christian good insights into the company culture and the people.
– The people at Wikborg Rein are the reasons why I like so much working in the firm. When I started working in the reception, the other employees were interested in getting to know me. I was invited to soccer practice, happy hour, Christmas parties, company trips and other social events. This made me feel included. Wikborg Rein is a very generous company, focused on the well-being of the employees, both on and off work. My loyalty to the company is based on the people and the generosity, and I had that long before I was offered a position as Associate.
Halfway into his law studies, Christian applied for a trainee position with Wikborg Rein. In total he has had three trainee periods with us, all three times with the contract and construction team.
– I knew that the firm specialises in contract law, dispute and litigation and I find these subjects interesting and exciting to work with. As trainee I worked a lot within these areas and also contributed in other areas when needed. I liked working as a trainee – so much that I chose to do it three times. Working with the same team all three periods, has given me the opportunity to get to know the people here well. This has given me good insights into what it is like to work here as an associate.
Writing the master's thesis at Wikborg Rein
Christian is now in his last semester of law studies and is writing his master's thesis on non-statutory contractual liability for assistants, a subject Lars Berild Schjeide in the contract and construction team tipped him of.
– A new judgment passed this summer made the subject current and put the case law on the subject one step further. The judgement entails several questions within construction law. I particularly wish to focus on questions related to the contractor's liability for their assistant's tortious act on the builder's property, he says.
Christian continues: – It is very rewarding to write my thesis at Wikborg Rein. Everything is arranged for a good semester of writing and the threshold for dropping in on lawyers for a chat or to discuss my thesis is very low. I know that the doors are always open and that I can ask questions at any time. In addition I have access to a large library, something which is very important when writing a master's thesis. I also have to admit that I quite like being served breakfast lunch and dinner every day and the fact that my office is on the same floor as the team I am going to work with also gives me an opportunity to get to know them even better before I start.
We wish you good luck on your master's thesis and look forward to welcoming you as an associate in January 2021!