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Wikborg Rein has assisted with secondary listing of gold securities product on Oslo Børs


We are pleased to announce that Wikborg Rein has assisted Svelland Capital (UK) Ltd and the Edmond de Rothschild Group with the secondary listing on Euronext Oslo Børs of the Euronext Amsterdam listed EdR Certified Origin Physical Gold PLC, which issues gold securities structured as Exchange Traded Certificates (ETCs).

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These gold securities, collateralized by physical gold, provide investors with access to the physical gold market through a tradable financial instrument. The product incorporates a comprehensive supply chain traceability approach, ensuring full traceability from mines to safes. The gold securities are structured as ETCs and are available in multiple currency tranches with various redemption options. The physical gold linked to these tradable securities is stored at Edmond de Rothschild's high-security vaults in Geneva, formerly belonging to the Swiss National Bank. This product is the first of its kind.

The gold securities were initially listed on Euronext Amsterdam in March 2023, and the dual listing on Oslo Børs was announced, 23 October 2024. To be able to list the security, a comprehensive process with Oslo Børs was required to establish a new legal and technical infrastructure details for this new product listing, thereby paving the way for the listing of other commodity based securities.

For more information, please visit:

The Wikborg Rein team that assisted with the initial establishment of the product and its subsequent listing included Karoline Angell, Karoline Ulleland Hoel, Erik Leganger, and Are Zachariassen.

Profile image of Are Zachariassen
Are Zachariassen
Profile image of Karoline Ulleland Hoel
Karoline Ulleland Hoel
Specialist Counsel
Profile image of Erik Leganger
Erik Leganger
Specialist Counsel
Profile image of Karoline Angell
Karoline Angell
Senior Associate

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