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Insurers may deposit insurance payments under the Nordic Plan

In the first arbitration award known to have been rendered under the new procedural rules of the Nordic Offshore and Maritime Arbitration Association (NOMA), the tribunal clarified that the insurers’ right under Norwegian insurance law to deposit insurance payments with liberating effect, also applies to co-insurance pursuant to the Nordic Marine Insurance Plan (Nordic Plan).


Insurers prevail in landmark ­Nordic Plan CTL judgment

Following a long legal battle before the Norwegian courts, the Court of Appeal has dismissed a claim by the owners of the vessel “Champion Express” for a constructive total loss (“CTL”) under the Nordic Plan. Wikborg Rein acted for the insurers in what has been the first Norwegian judgment on CTL since the now 31 year old ND-1992-172 Berglift judgment.


War risks cover for ships trapped in Ukraine – CTL and the Nordic perspective

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to cause uncertainty in the marine insurance market, in particular as a result of a potentially large number of total loss claims from owners of vessels that have been trapped beyond 24 February 2023, which marks the one-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion.


The 2023 revision of the Nordic Plan

The Nordic Marine Insurance Plan of 2013, version 2023, has recently been approved following negotiations between the Nordic shipowner associations and the Nordic Association of Marine Insurers.


Skjerpede krav til forbrukerbeskyttelse ved salg av forsikring

I denne artikkelen gir Ole Andenæs og Anne-Karin Nesdam en oppdatering vedrørende lovforslag som ble fremmet høsten 2021 og som samlet gjennomfører forsikringsdistribusjonsdirektivet i norsk rett. Ny lov av 22. desember 2021 nr. 163 om forsikringsformidling trådte i kraft 1. januar 2022 sammen med tilhørende forskrifter. Prop. 234 L (2021) ligger fremdeles til behandling i Stortingets justiskomité.


Statsbudsjettet for 2022

Statsbudsjettet for 2022 er lagt frem av den avtroppende Solberg regjeringen. I dette nyhetsbrevet vil vi kort omtale de viktigste forslagene. En del av forslagene er som forventet basert på tidligere omtale, men noen er nye.