Nye regler om innsyn i aksjeeierboken, aksjeeierregisteret og forvalterregistrerte aksjer
1. februar 2025 trer ny forskrift om innsyn i aksjeeierboken, aksjeeierregisteret og forvalterregistrerte aksjer i kraft. Reglene utdyper selskapenes lovfestede plikt til å holde aksjeeierboken og aksjeeierregisteret tilgjengelig for alle, og den nye regelen i allmennaksjeloven om rett til å be om innsyn i hvem som er eiere av forvalterregistrerte aksjer.

Nye skatteregler for verdipapirfond og fondskonto
Finansdepartementet har sendt nye skatteregler for verdipapirfond og fondskonto på høring. Det er både gode og dårlige nyheter.

WR ESG Alert: New rules on sustainability reporting in Norway, while simplification, postponement and evaluation are on the horizon
In this month's ESG alert, we highlight the entry into force of the reporting requirements of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive in Norway, and look into the Omnibus Simplification Package and the postponement of the Deforestation Regulation from the EU, as well as a recently published report evaluating the Norwegian Transparency Act.

WR Energy Update: Nye krav for prioritering i nettkøen
Energidepartementet har nylig forskriftsfestet krav om at modne prosjekter skal prioriteres i nettkøen.

Inviterer til sanksjons- og hvitvaskingsdagen 2025
Den 13. februar åpner vi dørene på Nasjonalmuseet for Sanksjons- og hvitvaskingsdagen - med myndigheter, eksperter og sentrale bransjeaktører på scenen. Seminaret vil også streames direkte.

Nye krav til forurensende virksomhet
Den 1. januar 2025 trådte nye industrikrav til forurensende virksomhet i kraft. De nye kravene oppstiller generelle vilkår for forurensende virksomhet, og skal forenkle tillatelser gitt i medhold av forurensningsloven § 11.

USTR investigation into Chinese maritime practices: Potential impact on shipbuilding
Since April 2024 the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative ("USTR") has been conducting an investigation into acts, policies, and practices of the People’s Republic of China in relation to the maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors.

The Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention enters into force in Norway
Following the decision by the Norwegian government on 11 October 2024 to accede to the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention, the Convention will enter into force in Norway on 11 February 2025. It will be given effect not only in Norway's exclusive economic zone, but also in its territorial waters. Norwegian legislation implementing the Convention into Norwegian law will enter into force on the same day as the Convention.

Lanserte den tredje utgaven av Barnas Havarikommisjon: – En solid og viktig rapport
Onsdag 21. januar la Stine Sofies Stiftelse frem Barnas Havarikommisjon der Wikborg Rein har bidratt med de juridiske utredningene. Årets tema er digitale seksuelle overgrep mot barn og unge.

WR anskaffelsesnytt – januar 2025
Wikborg Rein har gleden av å lansere et halvårlig nyhetsbrev for offentlige anskaffelser – WR anskaffelsesnytt! Her vil du finne korte omtaler av viktige saker fra halvåret som har gått – både om enkeltavgjørelser fra domstolene og KOFA, regelverksutvikling og annet anskaffelsesnytt.

The US introduces extensive measures targeting the Russian energy sector and oil revenues
On Friday 10 January 2025, the US introduced extensive measures targeting the Russian energy sector and Russia's oil revenues. The measures include the designation of 183 vessels, many of which are deemed to be part of the Russian shadow fleet, as well as oil traders, oilfield service providers, marine insurance companies and energy officials. The UK also joined the US in sanctioning the two major Russian oil producers Gazprom Neft and Surgutneftegas.

Flest transaksjoner på Mergermarket 2024
Vi er svært glade over å kunne dele at Wikborg Rein er rangert som landets ledende norske advokatfirma innen M&A, basert på antall registrerte transaksjoner i 2024.

Revisjon av EUs anskaffelsesdirektiver
EU-kommisjonen har lansert en høring av de mest sentrale anskaffelsesdirektivene. Dette tilsier at det på sikt kan komme en revisjon av direktivene. Arbeidet på EU-nivå skjer parallelt med det pågående regelutviklingsarbeidet i Norge.

Nytt i arbeidsretten: Flere sentrale lov- og forskriftsendringer fra årsskiftet
Våre arbeidsrettsspesialister oppdaterer deg på nye regler som kan påvirke din arbeidsplass, inkludert en banebrytende avgjørelse fra Høyesterett om feilklassifisering av arbeidstakere og endringer i A-meldingen.

Vi forlenger samarbeidet med Stine Sofies stiftelse
- Ved å bidra med blant annet juridisk bistand i det viktige arbeidet stiftelsen gjør for å sikre flere barn en trygg barndom, føler vi at vi virkelig kan gjøre en forskjell, sier COO Heidi Skuterud.

Dette må du vite om det nye DORA-regelverket
17. januar 2025 trer DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act for the financial sector) i kraft i EU. Hva innebærer regelverket for de foretakene som er omfattet? Hvordan forholder DORA seg til øvrig finansregulatorisk, sikkerhets- og IKT-regelverk? Det gir våre eksperter innenfor TechReg deg svaret på i denne artikkelen.

Finansregulatorisk oppsummering for forvaltere – 2024
I løpet av året har det kommet flere oppdateringer på det finansregulatoriske området som er relevante for forvaltere av alternative investeringsfond og verdipapirfond.

Updates on latest sanctions developments in the Iranian and Venezuelan sanctions programmes
In this sanctions alert, we seek to summarise some recent developments relating to US and EU sanctions.

The EU's 15th package adopted today and latest developments in the EU, UK and US Russia sanctions programmes
The EU today adopted the 15th package of sanctions against Russia. We include a key summary of these new measures as well as further updates on recent developments relating to Norwegian, EU, UK and US sanctions.

EU MRV: “Offshore ships” now defined and included by the European Commission
Starting 1 January 2025, offshore ships must comply with EU MRV emission reporting rules as the European Commission defines their role in meeting climate targets.

Clash of Recollections: Contemporaneous Documents as Evidence
When two witnesses have conflicting recollections of oral statements made years ago, how does the court determine the truth?

MOK Petro Energy v. Argo (No. 604) Limited – “damage” and breach of warranty under the Insurance Act 2015
Michael Volikas and Leah Rutley of Wikborg Rein’s London office, instructing Benjamin Coffer and Simon Rainey KC of Quadrant Chambers, represented a syndicate of London reinsurers in the High Court in successfully defending claims against them for average loss in respect of a cargo of gasoil under a marine cargo reinsurance contract by the original assured pursuing their claims under a “cut-through” clause.

AUTOSHIPMAN – the first standard form management agreement for autonomous ships
BIMCO’s Documentary Committee has adopted the AUTOSHIPMAN form in response to the growing number of remotely controlled and eventually fully autonomous ships. The form intends to address the specific risks and responsibilities associated with remotely controlled and autonomous ships.

IMO addresses fears that owners and others who comply with the Hong Kong Convention may be in legal jeopardy
BIMCO has, together with the International Chamber of Shipping, Norway, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, urged the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) to solve conflicting requirements between the Hong Kong Convention and the Basel Convention ahead of the entry into force of the Hong Kong Convention on 26 June 2025 as currently shipowners and others may potentially be exposed to severe consequences, including criminal liability, when recycling ships in the major ship recycling countries in South Asia such as Bangladesh, India and Pakistan – even if the ships and facilities comply with the Hong Kong Convention. The IMO is looking into it and has asked the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention for clarification.

How to future-proof your newbuilding project
The combination of strong cash flow in the shipping market and continued uncertainty related to regulatory requirements, fuel standards, and sustainability means that the focus on future-proofing investments continue to increase.

Shipbrokers’ liability in S&P transactions – reflections from recent case law in Norway
In recent years we have seen several court cases relating to claims against shipbrokers arising out of shipping transactions. In a decision in one of those cases earlier this year, the Norwegian Court of Appeal provided useful guidance on liability of shipbrokers, and the duty of care of shipbrokers in shipping transactions.

New Lloyd’s Open Form 2024
Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Branch has released a new Lloyd’s Open Form of Salvage Agreement (“LOF 2024”), as well as a new Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Clause (“LSAC 2024”).

WRECKSTAGE 2024 – new industry standard wreck removal agreement
On 4 June 2024 BIMCO released a new version of WRECKSTAGE, which has long been the industry standard agreement for maritime wreck removal projects where the contractor is remunerated on a lump sum basis. Several changes have been made to this new version, the most important being a new optional risk allocation procedure, which is intended to give greater certainty in the allocation of risks. The result is an improved form which will no doubt be warmly welcomed by the industry.

Introducing FuelEU Maritime: Contractual implications
Much has been written about the FuelEU regulations’ impact on the shipping industry, but with just a month to go before regulations fully take effect, there will still be work to be done on contractual arrangements to ensure that they properly address the requirements of this new regime.

Legal 500 China: Wikborg Rein Shipping Firm of the Year
We are delighted to inform that our office in Shanghai has been honored with the Foreign Shipping Firm of the Year Award at the Legal 500 China Awards! Chelsea Chen and Ronin Zong were shortlisted for the Shipping Lawyer of the Year award alongside three other highly reputable professionals from top English shipping firms in China.

«Penny stocks»: Behov for å ta grep
Nesten en tidel av selskapene på Euronext Oslo Børs' markedsplasser handles til en aksjekurs under NOK 1, og rundt 100 selskaper har en aksjekurs under NOK 10. For selskaper på Oslo Børs og Euronext Expand vil en vedvarende aksjekurs under NOK 1 utløse krav om tiltak, men også for selskaper på Euronext Growth Oslo kan lave kursverdier skape utfordringer.

Her er våre nye partnere
Vi har gleden av å ønske velkommen Sofie Vikse, Mads Ødeskaug og Matias Bugge til partnerskapet i Wikborg Rein. - Hvert partneropptak i Wikborg Rein skal heve kvaliteten på vår organisasjon og tjenestetilbudet til våre klienter. Det er vi svært trygge på gjelder opptakene av Sofie, Mads og Matias, sier Managing Partner Geir Sviggum.

WR Energy Update: Strategic impact assessment for offshore wind
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has completed a strategic impact assessment of three of the 20 offshore areas identified as potential sites for offshore wind development in Norway. NVE recommends to increase capacity in the Vestavind F area, to open a new project area in Sørvest F, and to defer any developments in Vestavind B for the time being.

TGH Holdings AS divests its energy market analysis and advisory services business
SKM Market Predictor AS (now TGH Holdings AS) has entered into an agreement to divest its energy markets analysis business to Montel AS.

The application timeline for the EU Deforestation Regulation will be extended
On 14 November 2024, the EU Parliament formally approved the European Commission's proposal to postpone the application of the Deforestation Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2023/1115) until 30 December 2025. With the aim of reducing deforestation, forest degradation, greenhouse gas emissions and global biodiversity loss, the Deforestation Regulation imposes documentation and due diligence requirements on in-scope entities to ensure that relevant commodities and products are deforestation-free and lawfully produced. Companies falling within the scope of the Regulation, should start preparations to ensure that they are prepared to comply once the obligations enter into force.

WR Kapitalforvaltning: EuVECA – mulighet for markedsføring i hele EU og til ikke-proffe – uten konsesjon
Vi har i et tidligere temabrev redegjort for forskjellene mellom AIF-forvaltere med konsesjon og de som er registrert. Blant fordelene ved en full konsesjon er muligheten for grensekryssende markedsføring av fondet (såkalt «passporting») innen EU/EØS. Et alternativ for små og mellomstore forvaltere som ønsker grensekryssende markedsføring er å registrere fondet som et EuVECA-fond etter reglene i EuVECA-forordningen, dersom det er mulig å harmonisere den planlagte fondsstrategien med investeringsbegrensningene i regelverket. Vi ser nærmere på hvem dette kan passe for nedenfor.

WR Energy Update – Er vi rustet for kjernekraft?
I den første utgaven av vårt nyhetsbrev vil vi se nærmere på det rettslige rammeverket for kjernekraft, og vurdere hvorvidt regelverket er egnet for etablering av kjernekraft i Norge.

Wikborg Rein Advises on DOF's USD 500 Million Acquisition
We are pleased to have acted as lead counsel for DNB Bank ASA as agent in the financing of DOF Group ASA's acquisition of Maersk Supply Service A/S.

WR ESG Alert: Norway commits to implement CBAM, while the first penalty under the Transparency Act is imposed
In this month's ESG alert, we highlight the first infringement penalty imposed under the Transparency Act, the implementation of the EU CSRD into Norwegian law, the Norwegian government's decision to implement CBAM into Norwegian law, EU restrictions on a sub-group of PFAS chemicals, and the latest decision from the Borgarting Court of Appeal regarding an injunction appeal from two environmental organisations.

Wikborg Rein has assisted with secondary listing of gold securities product on Oslo Børs
We are pleased to announce that Wikborg Rein has assisted Svelland Capital (UK) Ltd and the Edmond de Rothschild Group with the secondary listing on Euronext Oslo Børs of the Euronext Amsterdam listed EdR Certified Origin Physical Gold PLC, which issues gold securities structured as Exchange Traded Certificates (ETCs).

Wikborg Rein har bidratt til Patentstyrets rapport om forretningshemmeligheter
Våre IP-eksperter Lars Erik Steinkjer og Nora Bratheim har bidratt med innspill til en ny rapport fra Patentstyret om forretningshemmeligheter ('trade secrets').

First infringement penalty for failing to comply with the Transparency Act – and it bites!
The Norwegian Consumer Authority has on 25 September 2024 issued what appears to be the first infringement penalty for a failure to comply with the Norwegian Transparency Act. For not responding to two information requests on time, the Authority has imposed a penalty on a retail company of 450,000 NOK.

Our IP Team Highly Ranked by MIP IP STARS 2024
MIP IP STARS has recognised our IP experts as one of Norway's leading IP lawyers.

New EU sanctions framework under the Russia regime and entry into force of UK framework for enforcement of trade, aircraft and shipping sanctions
Yesterday, on 8 October 2024, the EU Council established a new framework under the Russia sanctions regime in response to hybrid threats from Russia. Tomorrow, 10 October 2024, will see the entry into force of the UK's new framework for enforcement of trade, aircraft and shipping sanctions.