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China expands legislation for private sector corruption

China has amended its criminal law for the 12th time with effect from 1 March 2024 by increasing penalties and adding employees of private companies to some bribery and corruption offences that currently only apply to employees of state-owned enterprises.


Safeguarding Your Trademark: Protecting Your Brand in China

Trademark registration plays a vital role in securing trademark protection in China. Over 7 million trademark applications were submitted for registration in China in 2022 according to an official report from China's Trademark Office ("CTMO"). As of the end of 2022, the total number of registered trademarks in China exceeded 42 million.


Life after subsidies in the offshore wind market in China

Offshore wind power is a promising renewable energy source that can help the world achieve its carbon neutrality goals and China is one of the world’s largest offshore wind markets. However, the Chinese offshore wind sector is changing, especially after the government subsidies for offshore wind projects were phased out at the end of 2021.


De-risking China – international companies respond to pressure to ­diversify supply chains

The world relies heavily on China for its supply chains and access to strategic resources. Whilst the geopolitical risk may be increasing, a complete decoupling is still undesirable for most companies. Faced with mounting pressure to diversify out of China, many foreign companies are therefore exploring alternative de-risking strategies to help with effective supply chain diversification and key-asset distribution.


Kvinnedagen 2023: – Vi må kvitte oss med kjønnsstereopier

I forbindelse med den internasjonale kvinnedagen har vi tatt en prat med våre advokater Hedvig Bugge Reiersen, Tonje Hagen Geiran, Xiaomin Qu og Camilla Perona Fjeldstad.


China: Long-awaited standard contract released and filing requirement added for transfer of personal information out of China

On 24 February 2023, the Cyber Administration of China ("CAC") issued measures containing a standard contract template for transfers of personal information, detailed guidelines including for a required impact assessment and a filing-requirement for transfers of personal information from China to other countries.


ESG and the Chinese Shipping Industry

ESG has been developing for decades internationally, in particular in the West, but has not been as well known in mainland China until more recently. Now, however, ESG is increasingly seen as a political priority aligned with the goal of “common prosperity” and therefore firmly on the agenda of large Chinese companies. This includes many shipping companies, where it is also expected that China’s push within green shipping will lead to more mandatory ESG obligations being introduced.


Transfer of employee information outside of China under PIPL and the new Draft Standard Contract

The Cyberspace Administration of China has issued a draft standard contract for cross-border transfers of personal information out of China which will, if adopted, constitute a valid transfer mechanism under the Chinese Personal Information Protection Law. Both the transferring entity and the overseas recipient must still be aware of additional data protection requirements related to cross-border transfers, including reporting requirements.


Status on China’s offshore wind power development

Mainland China has become the largest offshore wind market in the world. An overall industry chain has been established which encompasses complete offshore wind installation and operation, as well as maintenance and spare parts manufacturing, presenting an attractive market for both domestic and foreign companies.


How to navigate China’s anti-sanctions laws amidst the sanctions against Russia

The sweeping sanctions implemented against Russia give renewed relevance to the Chinese countermeasures to foreign companies with operations in China or doing business with Chinese counterparties. Companies should tread carefully to avoid falling foul of Chinese legislation.


Kvinner i jussen: Therese Trulsen

Vi feirer den internasjonale kvinnedagen 8. mars og har spurt noen av våre kvinnelige advokater på tvers av våre kontorer i inn- og utland om hvordan det er å være en kvinnelig advokat i dag. Denne gangen har vi snakket med Therese Trulsen, senioradvokat og Chief Representative ved vårt kontor i Shanghai.


Offshore wind projects in China: Key legal issues

For those who are interested in the Chinese offshore wind market, it is crucial to understand that the Chinese regulatory framework for this sector is complicated and comprehensive, covering the whole value chain.


Ny kinesisk personvernlov – PIPL

Fire forhold du må være klar over hvis du driver forretninger i eller mot Kina.


Finance and operating leases in the Chinese market – key differences

Chinese sale and leaseback deals are now a well established financing option in the shipping sector. Whilst Chinese leasing companies have traditionally opted to go down the finance lease route, they are increasingly assuming more risk and opting for either a full operating lease arrangement or a hybrid structure adopting elements of both finance and operating leases.


Ser muligheter for norske bedrifter i Kina

Therese Trulsen har de to siste årene bistått klienter med alt fra patentrett til å forstå hvordan internasjonal handelskrig påvirker forretningsmulighetene deres i Kina. Hverdagen på Shanghai-kontoret til Wikborg Rein er alt annet enn A4.