Mer om Renaud
Renaud jobber primært med utvikling og finansiering av offshore-energiprosjekter (særlig de som involverer FSRU, FLNG og offshore borerigger), samt oppkjøp og avhendelser i offshore energisektoren. Han har også kompetanse innen tvisteløsning (spesielt i forbindelse med oppkjøp og avhendelser, joint venture-saker og byggeprosjekter) og regulatoriske saker (spesielt i forbindelse med demontering og destruering av skip og offshore-installasjoner). Klientanbefalinger: "First-rate intellect" (Legal 500 UK) "Renaud Barbier-Emery advises companies from the shipping and offshore oil and gas sectors. He is noted for the efficiency and dedication of his client-oriented practice." (Chambers UK) "Recommended", "Very precise and knowledgeable" (Legal 500 UK) "Renaud and his team have a deeply ingrained client service philosophy on a broad spectrum of projects from litigation to contractual negotiation." (Legal 500 UK) “Renaud Barbier-Emery 'understands the commercial aspects of clients’ intentions'.” (Legal 500 UK) "Renaud Barbier-Emery is a world class lawyer in the field of offshore drilling. He has in-depth knowledge of the applicable legal frameworks, as well as a wealth of experience that he can draw from." (Legal 500 UK) "Renaud and his team at Wikborg Rein are the go-to lawyers in the offshore energy M&A and related commercial transactions. Their effective advocacy and attention to detail are key strengths." Legal 500 (Oil & Gas) "Renaud Barbier-Emery is a tremendous asset to Wikborg Rein." Legal 500 (Oil & Gas) "Renaud Barbier-Emery is unique due to his in-depth knowledge of the oil and gas industry, his multi-jurisdictional experience and his constant availability to find a solution." Legal 500 (Oil & Gas) "Renaud Barbier-Emery is the lawyer who you would want to have on your side as much as possible." Legal 500 (Oil & Gas)