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Wikborg Rein assisting Summa Equity with investment in Stim AS
We have assisted Summa Equity AB with an acquisition of a controlling stake in Stim AS. The investment sees Summa Equity partnering with Stim AS' founder and owner, Jim Roger Nordly.

Wikborg Rein assisting Summa Equity with rolling Norsk Gjenvinning into a new continuation fund
We are thankful for the opportunity to assist Summa Equity in connection with Summa Fund I's and other existing shareholders' sale of NG to Summa Circular, a continuation vehicle managed by Summa Equity.

Wikborg Rein bistår i tilbudet på Mintra
Vi er stolte av å bistå Ferd i tilbudet sammen med Tjaldur om kjøp av de resterende aksjene i Mintra (Euronext Growth: «MNTR»). Tilbudet innebærer en markedsverdi for Mintra på ca. NOK 783,5 millioner.

Wikborg Rein assisting Viking Venture with its investment in Onix AS
We are proud to announce that we have assisted Viking Venture AS and Viking Venture 30 AS in connection with an investment in Onix AS, a SaaS company based in Stavanger. Onix' business model is to develop and sell software solutions for equipment owners, inspectors and suppliers.