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Nye regler om innsyn i aksjeeierboken, aksjeeierregisteret og forvalterregistrerte aksjer
1. februar 2025 trer ny forskrift om innsyn i aksjeeierboken, aksjeeierregisteret og forvalterregistrerte aksjer i kraft. Reglene utdyper selskapenes lovfestede plikt til å holde aksjeeierboken og aksjeeierregisteret tilgjengelig for alle, og den nye regelen i allmennaksjeloven om rett til å be om innsyn i hvem som er eiere av forvalterregistrerte aksjer.

«Penny stocks»: Behov for å ta grep
Nesten en tidel av selskapene på Euronext Oslo Børs' markedsplasser handles til en aksjekurs under NOK 1, og rundt 100 selskaper har en aksjekurs under NOK 10. For selskaper på Oslo Børs og Euronext Expand vil en vedvarende aksjekurs under NOK 1 utløse krav om tiltak, men også for selskaper på Euronext Growth Oslo kan lave kursverdier skape utfordringer.

Simplified prospectus rules coming – the Listing Act legislative package
The European Commission has put forward a proposed legislative package called the "Listing Act". The purpose of the Listing Act is inter alia to simplify listing on European public markets, and alleviate the requirements for companies once listed. The Listing Act was voted through by the European Parliament in April 2024 and will eventually be implemented in Norway.

New reporting obligation to Oslo Børs related to share issuance
With effect from 4 July 2024, a new reporting obligation related to compliance with prospectus requirements is imposed on companies listed on Oslo Børs' regulated markets (Euronext Oslo Børs and Euronext Expand). Furthermore, Oslo Børs guides on the practical handling of the obligation to prevent trading in new shares before any conditions for trading are met.

Wikborg Rein assisting in voluntary offer in Kahoot! ASA
We are proud to announce that we alongside Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP have assisted General Atlantic, the largest shareholder in Kahoot! ASA, in connection with the launch of a recommended, voluntary offer to acquire all shares in Kahoot! ASA.

Wikborg Rein assisting Norse Atlantic in subsequent offering and uplisting
We have assisted Norse Atlantic ASA ("Norse") with a successful "repair offering" of shares and subsequent uplisting of the company's shares to the Oslo Børs market Euronext Expand.