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Wikborg Rein has assisted with secondary listing of gold securities product on Oslo Børs

We are pleased to announce that Wikborg Rein has assisted Svelland Capital (UK) Ltd and the Edmond de Rothschild Group with the secondary listing on Euronext Oslo Børs of the Euronext Amsterdam listed EdR Certified Origin Physical Gold PLC, which issues gold securities structured as Exchange Traded Certificates (ETCs).


Simplified prospectus rules coming – the Listing Act legislative package

The European Commission has put forward a proposed legislative package called the "Listing Act". The purpose of the Listing Act is inter alia to simplify listing on European public markets, and alleviate the requirements for companies once listed. The Listing Act was voted through by the European Parliament in April 2024 and will eventually be implemented in Norway.


Wikborg Rein assisting NORBIT ASA on its NOK 200 million private placement

We have had the pleasure of assisting NORBIT ASA (OSE: "NORBT") on its successfully completed private placement of new ordinary shares, raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 200 million.


New reporting obligation to Oslo Børs related to share issuance

With effect from 4 July 2024, a new reporting obligation related to compliance with prospectus requirements is imposed on companies listed on Oslo Børs' regulated markets (Euronext Oslo Børs and Euronext Expand). Furthermore, Oslo Børs guides on the practical handling of the obligation to prevent trading in new shares before any conditions for trading are met.


Verdipapirisering kommer til Norge

Regler om verdipapirisering innlemmes i EØS-avtalen 12. juni. Det er sannsynlig at reglene raskt vil bli gjennomført i norsk rett og at de kan tre i kraft 1. januar 2025.


Wikborg Rein Exclusive in All Chambers Europe Categories

We are delighted to announce that we have once again achieved top rankings in Chambers Europe. Wikborg Rein is the only Norwegian law firm ranked in all 19 categories.


Wikborg Rein topprangert i Chambers Global 2024

Det er med stor glede vi kan annonsere at vi nok en gang er blitt topprangert i den årlige kåringen Chambers Global, og befester posisjonen som Norges mest internasjonale advokatfirma.


Gender Quota Regulation Proposal for the board of directors of Norwegian private limited liability companies

The Norwegian Government has recently proposed extending gender quota regulations to the board of directors of certain Norwegian private limited liability companies.


A new regime for third-country firms’ provision of investment services into Norway

A permanent route for provision of investment services by third-country firms has been introduced.


Wikborg Rein assisting in voluntary offer in Kahoot! ASA

We are proud to announce that we alongside Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP have assisted General Atlantic, the largest shareholder in Kahoot! ASA, in connection with the launch of a recommended, voluntary offer to acquire all shares in Kahoot! ASA.


Wikborg Rein assists The Kingfish Company in EUR 32 million convertible loan

We are proud to announce that we have assisted The Kingfish Company with a EUR 32 million unsecured convertible loan.


Krav om statsborgerskap for styremedlemmer og daglig leder er fjernet

1. juli ble krav om statsborgerskap for styremedlemmer og daglig ledet fjernet. Nå gjelder det kun bostedskrav. Kravet er at daglig leder og minst halvdelen av styrets medlemmer skal være bosatt i en EØS-stat, Storbritannia/ Nord-Irland eller i Sveits.


Endringer i markedsmisbruksforordningen 1. juni 2023

Den 1. juni 2023 gjøres det enkelte endringer i markedsmisbruksforordningen ("MAR") slik implementert i Norge. Endringene skyldes gjennomføringen av EUs SMB-vekstmarkedsforordning (2019/2115) i norsk rett.


Wikborg Rein assisting Norse Atlantic in subsequent offering and uplisting

We have assisted Norse Atlantic ASA ("Norse") with a successful "repair offering" of shares and subsequent uplisting of the company's shares to the Oslo Børs market Euronext Expand.


Kvinnedagen 2023: – Vi må kvitte oss med kjønnsstereopier

I forbindelse med den internasjonale kvinnedagen har vi tatt en prat med våre advokater Hedvig Bugge Reiersen, Tonje Hagen Geiran, Xiaomin Qu og Camilla Perona Fjeldstad.


Børsnotert selskap? 4 ting å vurdere før ordinær generalforsamling

Børsnoterte selskap må publisere innkalling til generalforsamling i god tid før generalforsamlingen, og det er derfor viktig å begynne planleggingen tidlig.


Wikborg Rein topprangert i Chambers Global 2023

Det er med stor glede vi kan annonsere at vi igjen har blitt topprangert i den årlige kåringen Chambers Global 2023.


Upcoming amendments to the shareholding disclosure obligations in Norway

On 8 April 2022, the Ministry of Finance proposed a long overdue draft bill (Prop. 83 LS) with several amendments to the rules regarding disclosure of large shareholdings (Nw.: flaggeplikt) in the Norwegian Securities Trading Act (STA) and Securities Trading Regulation (STR) to the Norwegian Parliament. The amended rules enter into force on 1 September 2022.


Wikborg Rein topprangert i Chambers Europe 2022

Vi er svært glade for at vi også i 2022 har tatt et steg opp i Chambers Europe, den årlige advokatguiden for Europas ledende advokatfirmaer.


Shipping Boom on the Norwegian stock market

After a period of strong headwinds, the shipping industry sets course for historic annual results. High demand for goods combined with a lack of supply and a lean world fleet has driven freight rates and shipping shares through the roof.


Statsbudsjettet for 2022

Statsbudsjettet for 2022 er lagt frem av den avtroppende Solberg regjeringen. I dette nyhetsbrevet vil vi kort omtale de viktigste forslagene. En del av forslagene er som forventet basert på tidligere omtale, men noen er nye.


What you need to know about the new UK sanctions regime post-Brexit

As the Brexit transition period has recently come to an end, we highlight below some key differences brought about by the UK's new sanctions regime and what you need to know about the new regime.


Teekay shuttle tankers issues the first Nordic maritime green bond

In early October 2019 Teekay Shuttle Tankers LLC (“Teekay”) successfully placed its USD 125 million inaugural green bond, the first green bond to be issued in the Nordic markets by the maritime industries.


Oslo – an efficient market for capital raisings

The Norwegian capital markets offers a flexible, time- and cost efficient process for equity issues (private placements). A key consideration for investors is, however, tradeable securities. The N-OTC can offer instant low threshold listings of shares with a minimum of reporting requirements.


Forslag til ny hvitvaskingslov lagt frem for Stortinget

Fredag 16. februar 2018 la regjeringen frem forslag til ny hvitvaskingslov – Prop. 40 L (2017-2018). Lovforslaget gjennomfører store deler av EUs fjerde hvitvaskingsdirektiv (Europaparlaments- og rådsdirektiv (EU) 2015/849) i norsk rett. Selv om lovforslaget bygger på eksisterende lovgivning inneholder lovforslaget en del utvidelser.